Sanja Pahoki: A Detail Which Catches The Eye

29 April - 4 June 2022



Sarah Scout Presents is delighted to announce Sanja Pahoki - A Detail Which Catches The Eye, an official exhibition of PHOTO 2022 International Festival of Photography.


You're walking. And you don't always realize it, but you're always falling.

With each step you fall forward slightly. And then catch yourself from falling. Over and over, you're falling. And then catching yourself from falling.

And this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time.
—Laurie Anderson ‘Walking & Falling’


In Roland Barthes book on photography, Camera Lucida, he describes the punctum as a detail which catches the eye. Some small aspect that provokes an intensely subjective response. He places this feeling in the order of loving. Barthes also describes the punctum as a wound that embodies both desire and death.


For A Detail Which Catches The Eye, Pahoki presents new photographic work, videos and neons across the Sarah Scout Presents gallery spaces, exploring what it is to find oneself wounded by the gaze of another.